Four Possible Signs Your Baby Should Be Seen By A Chiropractor

“Wait! What?! What was that you said you wanted to do to my tiny, precious, new born?” says the darling new mother sitting across from me- she is holding her child to her chest as if the entire defensive line of the Seahawk football team was bearing down upon her…

The Vital First Adjustment

NOTE: This story has been published and read by thousands! It is one of the most humbling and amazing moments of my life. The baby was born without respiration or a heart beat. There are moments in one’s life where time seems to slow down and you truly do…

Helping Hands

A little over TEN years ago I wrote this blog from the island Zanzibar (off the east coast of Africa): Jambo Friends! Tomorrow is my last day at the Jambiani Wellness Center as a volunteer chiropractor; I can’t believe how quickly these past six weeks have gone! What a…

STOP Giving Kids Fruit Juice!

I spend a lot of time in airports and on planes- two of the best places to watch people interact. Coming back from a conference in Dallas, I sat across from a young couple who proceeded (continually over the four hour flight) to give their two young daughters juice box…

The Autism Label

What is autism? According to Autism Speaks (, “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors.” What does…

Healthy Gut, Healthy Brain

 Did you know that approximately 90% of your neurotransmitters (mood stabilizers like serotonin) are made in your gut? Therefore, a healthy gut leads to healthy production of the neurotransmitters that in turn leads to healthy communication within the brain. This is why leading scientists and many doctors are now…

Unassisted Home Birth After C-section!

Ever since my daughter Sophie’s traumatic birth via emergency C-section I’ve known that I wanted a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Unfortunately the hospital here in town doesn’t offer that as an option, instead it’s “once a C-section, always…

I’m pregnant and want a VBAC

From literally the day after my daughter’s traumatic birth I KNEW I wanted to a VBAC. Well, just found out two weeks ago I’m pregnant and SHIT JUST GOT REAL Y’ALL…

Why Prenatal Chiropractic Care Is A Must!

“My breach baby flipped after one chiropractic treatment!”* “Chiropractic care helped me get pregnant and maintain a healthy pregnancy!” “Dr. Madison helped me achieve a 2 hour labor after a prior C-section because of proper pelvis alignment.” “Chiropractic care under Dr. Madison’s guidance helped my body bring on…

My Glass is Full of Stress (adrenal fatigue)

Are you waking up tired even after a good night’s sleep? Do you crave sugar like nobody’s business? Do you have to use toothpicks to keep your eyes open around 3pm? Do you suffer from low grade anxiety or depression? If you are a woman, are your cycles…