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Dr Madison

Normalize Bed-Sharing

Our second daughter was born at home. From her very first night until she decided to move into her sister’s room at nineteen months, she slept in-between my husband and me. When she was a newborn and her sister was a toddler, being able to simply reach…


Should you be giving your young children supplements? This is a question that often comes up in the office and as a parent for me. So let’s dive in. The answer is yes and no. No, because ideally your kids are eating great whole food diets that consistent of…

Sweet on Sophie, Not Sugar: Raising a Kid with a Sensitive Nervous System

My eldest daughter Sophie is smart, silly, sweet and highly sensitive. What do I mean? She falls into the minority of the population whose nervous system is “highly sensitive”. Now, I’m just repeating myself..let me explain. Her nervous system ‘over’ processes EVERYTHING around her. She picks up on…

Ways to Boost Your Immune System

General Immune Support *Rest and stay away from social media/limit news as much as possible/look for places with reliable facts. Fear and anxiety do nothing to aid a healthy immune system. *Wash those hands! Monitor children to make sure they’re doing a good job: singing songs…

My Personal Struggle with Wheat

 I was about to turn 21. A student-athlete with a 4.0 GPA, trying to decide which health field I wanted to pursue after graduation. To say I was stressed is an understatement. I was suffering from severe panic attacks and hardly sleeping more than 2-4 hours…

A Piece of My Heart

“I will never hold you. I will never kiss your forehead or brush your hair out of your eyes. I will not know your laugh, nor your cry. I have no face to remember you by…In this life, I will never know you in any other way…

Ways to Support Your Lymph System

My WHAT system? Your lymphatic system. This AMAZING system is basically one of the coolest in the body! Simply put, it helps detoxify your body. Meaning it helps eliminate harmful chemicals, viruses, bacteria and other unwanted material from the body. It is composed of lymphatic vessels and other immune organs…

Potty Training Tips

Parenting is hard and messy. Today, let’s focus on the messy part. It doesn’t get much messier than POTTY TRAINING!!!! In my long 2 years and six months of parenting I can honestly say the most frustrating thing for me (so far) has been this. I…

“Normal” Developmental Milestones for Your Child Part 2: Spinal Curvatures

“Children are not things to be molded, but people to be unfolded.” – Jess Lair There are tons of developmental milestones, but I want to focus on what I know best: the spine. The lordosis curves (secondary curves) of the spinal column are developed via major milestones: lifting the head…

“Normal” Developmental Milestones for Your Child/ Part 1: Reflexes

Ok, so you just had the craziest time of your life pushing a living being out of your you-know-what and now you are suddenly madly in love with that tiny, screaming, adorable, bundle of joy. But now what? What are all these developmental milestones people are talking about…