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Category: Postnatal

A Piece of My Heart

“I will never hold you. I will never kiss your forehead or brush your hair out of your eyes. I will not know your laugh, nor your cry. I have no face to remember you by…In this life, I will never know you in any other way…

The Vital First Adjustment

NOTE: This story has been published and read by thousands! It is one of the most humbling and amazing moments of my life. The baby was born without respiration or a heart beat. There are moments in one’s life where time seems to slow down and you truly do…

Unassisted Home Birth After C-section!

Ever since my daughter Sophie’s traumatic birth via emergency C-section I’ve known that I wanted a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Unfortunately the hospital here in town doesn’t offer that as an option, instead it’s “once a C-section, always…

Unplanned C-Section Mother, You Are an Unspoken Hero

You read every pregnancy book and blog you could, you attended birth classes, you hired a doula and a midwife, you attended gentle yoga and got adjusted by your prenatal chiropractor, you spent countless hours eagerly anticipating that beautiful moment when, after pushing with all your might, your screaming baby…