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My name is Madison Grzeszkowiak (read Madison G – it’s a lot easier).  I am both a doctor (wellness chiropractor) and holistic mama.

I love writing, traveling, and enjoying a healthy lifestyle with my beautiful family. I’m sarcastic but kind. I have days where I feel like I’m a badass balancing all aspects of my life and other days when I fail miserably at just about anything I set out to do that day. But that’s all ok! I know the most important thing is that I keep trying to put my best foot forward-which is always easier to do when I’m activity pursuing a healthy lifestyle.

A little more about me: I love dogs! I’m a sucker for broadway musicals- the more sappy songs the better. My husband and I have been married almost 5 years and he’s my best friend and soulmate (and another crunchy chiropractor!) I have been blessed with two amazing little girls.  I was a D1 college athlete- tennis; however I haven’t touched a racket in years. I love eating whole foods and my body let’s me know when I eat something I shouldn’t. Maui is probably my favorite place on Earth, but I do enjoy hiking in the mountains as well. I volunteered at a health clinic in Zanzibar, Africa for 6 weeks and it forever changed how I’ll view America and the rest of the world.

I can’t wait to share my health site with you!


*Disclaimer: Everything on this website is based out of my personal opinion.  That opinion has been shaped by experience, education and clinical knowledge. If you want my professional advise as a holistic doctor I encourage you to come see me in the office- this is the place I can best offer one on one care. However, please feel free to email me your questions, just know legally, I may not be able to respond with medical advice. 

Professional site below: