Ways to Boost Your Immune System

General Immune Support

*Rest and stay away from social media/limit news as much as possible/look for places with reliable facts. Fear and anxiety do nothing to aid a healthy immune system.

*Wash those hands! Monitor children to make sure they’re doing a good job: singing songs while doing this necessary task can make it easier on everyone involved.

Liquid extracts of this herb are best usually.

Liquid extracts of this herb are best usually. (Best if no added sugar.)

*Vitamin C
-Most health food stores carry decent brands- look for ones that come from whole, organic food sources
-Any of the fizzy Vit C drinks with low sugar

*Vitamin D
Liquid is best usually.

*Drink a lot of water
-Between 1/2 to a whole gallon a day for adults!

*Limit artificial and cane sugar as much as possible

General Respiratory Support

Highly anti-inflammatory
-Lemon/Ginger Tea is great!

Very soothing to mucus membranes
-herb on food or essential oil

Helps fights infections

Helps sooth a cough especially with lemon in hot water

Physical Support for Immune/Respiratory

*Massage major lymphatic areas
-Pectorals, inguinal/groin, neck and sternum (front of chest in soft tissue areas)

*Gargle with HOT (as you can stand and not burn yourself) salt water frequently

-20 minutes unless you are dehydrated then less or not at all.

*Hot Epsom Salt bath: relaxing for muscles, joints etc

*Get adjusted!! Chiropractic care helps the nervous system self-regulate and the body stay in balance.

*Acupuncture! Another natural way of keeping the body balanced and immune system functioning optimally.

***As always, ask a professional for specific dosages for children and/or for more information on any of the above if you have an underlying health condition. Also reach out to your natural healthcare provider for more specific brands of the herbs, supplements and vitamins mentioned above.

About The Author

Dr Madison