Unassisted Home Birth After C-section!

Ever since my daughter Sophie’s traumatic birth via emergency C-section I’ve known that I wanted a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Unfortunately the hospital here in town doesn’t offer that as an option, instead it’s “once a C-section, always a C-section”. I know women who have gone by this motto and I fully respect them but there are others, myself included, who couldn’t and shouldn’t have to accept this as the only means to give birth. So, after careful research, Konrad and I chose a home birth with a midwife. 

First time holding Sophie after waking up from surgery.

I never was one of those girls who fantasied about my “perfect wedding day”, instead I imagined my “perfect birth”. As a prenatal chiropractor, I can spend up to several hours a day talking about birth. In my practice, I have seen women become warriors over and over again via empowering births. It was heart breaking for me to “lose” that experience with my first born.

Although… over the next two years I did learn it is not the single act of giving birth that makes a mother, but the daily CHOICE of showing up, loving, disciplining, caring for, etc our little ones. That being said, I never completely “let go” of the dream of a vaginal birth. Well ladies and gents, I got it!

And it was crazy to say the least…

I’d been having pre-labor signs for a whole freaking month when four days past my due date I awoke at 3am on Saturday April 27th to a fairly intense contraction. Trying not to get too excited, I went to the bathroom where I had another one. Pretty close together! After waking Konrad and a couple more intense contractions, we determined that I was indeed in labor and he should probably take Sophie and our dog Nike to my mom’s (five minutes away).

While he was gone I had two major contractions where all the pain was magnified in my lower uterus where my C-section scar is. It’s weird to write this now, but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of myself then I was during those two contractions and here’s why: the biggest medical push for a repeat C-section is the potential of a uterine rupture. This CAN BE a life threatening situation for both Mom and baby. HOWEVER, I would encourage any woman who wants a VBAC to research the FACTS about such an occurrence and make her own informed decision about this risk compared to the risks of another major abdominal surgical birth and/or the benefits of vaginal births for both mom and baby.

Ok, back to the juicy details of my 55 MINUTE birth! So yes, intense pain in scar area, all alone, freaking out BUT somehow managed to dig really deep and remind myself how capable my body was/is and that since the pain subsisted with the end of the contraction the reality was more likely than not, my uterus was doing fine- better than fine, getting ready to literally “shoot” a baby out of it.

That’s exactly what happened: Konrad came home and within 15 minutes I had the urge to “poop” to put it nicely. Once on the toilet I realized there was a lot more than a bowel movement about to happen (i.e. baby’s head was RIGHT THERE!!!!). Refusing to birth this kid into the toilet I stood up at the sink and two “pushes” later KC’s whole body was born into Konrad’s waiting hands. (Thankfully our midwife had just pulled into the driveway and would take charge from there on out with the after birth and baby care.)

Looking back what stands out to me is the exact moment KC (Katherine Claire) was born. It was this huge downward flow of energy- the most healing experience of my life! It was almost as if my body was released of all the pain and fear of my previous birth. 

Bonding with KC on our living room sofa within an hour of her being born.

I love both my children so very much and am beyond blessed they are both here and safe. I have come to accept their individual births were the way they were meant to be.

However, I hope my latest birth story becomes the norm for women; meaning, I wish all mothers’ births (by whatever means) are full of feelings of JOY and EMPOWERMENT. It is a month after my second child’s birth and I have never felt so strong. ❤

About The Author

Dr Madison