Ways to Support Your Lymph System

My WHAT system? Your lymphatic system. This AMAZING system is basically one of the coolest in the body! Simply put, it helps detoxify your body. Meaning it helps eliminate harmful chemicals, viruses, bacteria and other unwanted material from the body. It is composed of lymphatic vessels and other immune organs that work together to constantly make and carry along lymph (a fluid continuing infection-fighting white blood cells).

Signs of a sluggish or poor functioning lymphatic system:

  1. Congestion- especially first thing in the morning
  2. Fatigue- worst in the morning
  3. Swollen lymph nodes (usually easiest to locate right under the jaw, in the armpits and along the groin)
  4. Swollen and puffy look to the face and skin
  5. Difficulty getting over colds or other illnesses
  6. Excessive mucus build up
  7. Achey and painful joints

Did you say yes to three of more of the above? Well time to help out your lymphatic system!!

  1. MOVE- Your lymphatic system is dependent on gravity and circulation to pump lymph through your body. Therefore the more you move, especially first thing in the morning (due to stagnation at night), the better you’ll feel and the better you’ll detoxify.
  2. DRINK MORE WATER- Lymph is a fluid made up of water (amongst other things)!
  3. MASSAGE- Ideally, find someone trained in lymphatic massage. This means a professional (ie massage therapist, chiropractor, naturopath etc) who has training in the anatomy of the lymphatic system and knows specific techniques to help “move” lymph through the body
  4. REBOUNDING AND VIBRATIONAL THERAPY- This really is as simple as jumping on a small, in-house mini- trampoline.
  5. EAT WELL- Everything seems to come back to this doesn’t it? The better quality and closer to whole food substances you consume will put less strain on your lymphatic system to begin with.
  6. DECREASE YOUR CHEMICAL EXPOSURE- This is really a whole topic in and of itself. But basically bring awareness to what chemicals are in your laundry detergent, shampoo, lotions, toothpastes, cleaning products and the like. With a little research into what is listed on these bottles it is not hard to find out if what you’ve been using has chemicals in it that are linked to cancer or other diseases. Try to stick with more natural and organic products whenever possible.

Well, I don’t want to take up any more of your time- get up and get moving! Your lymphatic system and your overall health will thank you. 😉

Photo by Bas Peperzak on Unsplash

About The Author

Dr Madison